Stewart School, bhubaneswar






Welcome to Our School

Stewart School, Bhubaneswar is a premier English Medium co-educational School situated on a wide area of 21 acres towards the North-West side of the State Capital. It has a beautiful infrastructure with residential facilities in the campus. The Diocese of Cuttack, Church of North India, administers the School through a local Managing Committee. The School was established in 1960 under Senior Cambridge system. After the system was abolished, it came under the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi for ICSE Examinations.

Our Prime Facilities



School Library 

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School Hostel 

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School Canteen 

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Boarding House

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 Games & Sports

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 Important Dates

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Course of Studies

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Discipline Rules

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  • Affiliated Board : ICSE Board
    Website :
    Contact Details : Unit- VIII, Bhubaneswar-751012, Orissa, India. Tel: (0674) 2560990



CIPET Bhubaneswar


CIPET, Bhubaneswar was established in 1986. The activity of the center is divided as academic and technology-support services. The activities are being executed through various Departments like Design, CAD/CAM/CAE, Tool Room, Inspection, Plastic Processing, Plastic Testing and Training. CIPET, Bhubaneswar has a track record of best performance centre consistently for last few years and rated to be the best centre. This centre has the following specific achievement in the various area of Academic and Technical services.

Accreditation and Quality Management System

• The first laboratory in the country to be accredited by NABL, Dept. of Science and    Technology, Govt. of. India, for performing Mechanical and Chemical Tests on raw material and    plastics products.

• ISO 9001: 2008 QMS certification by BVQI for its Technical and Training services.

• Recognition by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for the Testing and evaluation of plastics    materials and products.
  Academic and Research Programs  

• AICTE approval for conducting M.Tech, B. Tech, Post Diploma and Diploma programs in the field    of Plastics Engineering and Technology.

• Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) and Utkal University, Bhubaneswar has approved    to conduct Research Programs leading to Ph. D degree.

• 06 candidates have been awarded Ph. D Degree in the field of polymer and allied material.

• Recognized by various Government Organizations like DST, DRDO, and ISRO etc to carry out    Research and Development Projects.

• CIPET, Bhubaneswar is identified as one among few training centers in the country by NABL for    conducting training programs on “Quality Management System and Internal Audit on ISO/IEC    17025: 2005” and laboratory assessor training programme


IIIT Bhubaneswar Courses


The Institute has following Departments
Computer Science
Electronics Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Basic Sciences
Under Grad Programmes

B.Tech programme is being offered in the following disciplines.

Computer Science and Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and Communication
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Masters Programmes

The Institute offers M.Tech. programmes in

Computer Science & Engineering.
Communication Engineering and Signal Processing
Doctoral Programme

Doctoral programme is offered in following Disciplines

Computer Science
Electronics Engineering
Tele Communication Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Business Management


Fax: +91-674-6636609
Important Phone & Email addresses
email Address
General +91-674-6636600 info(AT)
Admission Office
+91-674-6636605 admission(AT)
Placement Office
+91-674-6636610 placement(AT)
Director’s Office +91-674-6636604 offdirector(AT)
Dean’s Office +91-674-6636608 offdean(AT)
Accounts Office
+91-674-6636607 accountsoffice(AT)
Library Office
+91-674-6636621 library(AT)


Rama Devi Women’s University

Rama Devi Women’s University, one of the premier women’s institution of Orissa, started functioning as Government Women’s University from the year 1964 in a small building of the Labour Department, Government of Orissa. The University was shifted to the Old School Building of Unit-1 in 1966 and finally to the present campus of about 28 acres on 1st January, 1969.

A month later it was named after Maa Rama Devi, a great Orissan freedom fighter and a devout Gandhian. In 1990 the University celebrated its Silver Jubilee with enthusiasm and joy. From 1st June 1994, it was elevated to the status of a lead University and in 1995, it became the first Post-Graduate college of the State Capital with the opening of M.A. classes in Hindi and Home Science. From the academic session 1999-2000, this premier institution has been declared by the UGC an Autonomous College with effect from the session 2001-2002. Consequent upon the visit of the NAAC peer team to the University in August, 2004, the NACC (UGC) taking all the parameters of assessment into consideration, have awarded `A’ GRADE to this college w.e.f. 16.9.2004. The Post-Graduate and Degree Classes are functioning under rama devi women’s autonomous college and Higher Secondary Classes are placed under rama devi women’s junior college. The library, class rooms, and other infrastructure are shared by the two colleges.

The autonomous college imparts P.G. teaching in Hindi and Home Science and Honours teaching in English, Oriya, Hindi, Sanskrit, History, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, Sociology, Mathematics, Accountancy, Management, Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. Honours in Computer Science is taught as a self financing course. Under the UGC assistance, four vocational subjects namely (i) Clinical Nutrition, (ii) Secretarial Practice and Office Management, (iii) Food Science & Quality Control, and (iv) Industrial Fish & Fisheries are taught at degree level. Each year the college produces students of outstanding calibre, who hold positions in Higher Secondary and University Examinations in Science, Commerce and Arts. The NCC and NSS Volunteers of this college have earned name and fame, both within and outside the State.

Last but not the least, it is our fondly cherished dream to see this premier women’s institution of Orissa as a deemed women’s university.

Courses offered

Rama Devi Women’s University Courses


Rama Devi Women’s University Courses

School of Science


B.Sc(Hons) in Botany


B.Sc(Hons) in BioTech

M.Sc. in BioTech


B.Sc. (Hons) in Chem

Computer Science

B.Sc(Hons) in Comp Sc Comp Sc


B.Sc(Hons )
/B.A.(Hons in Maths


B.Sc(Hons) in Physics


B.Sc(Hons) in Zoology

Life science

M.Sc in Life Science
SF-Self Financing.

School of Humanities and Liberal Arts


B.A.(Hons) in English English


B.A.(Hons) in Hindi

M.A. in Hindi


B.A.(Hons) in History

Home science

B.A. (Hons) in Home Sc

M.A. in Home Sc

M.Phil in Home Sc(Utk)


B.A.(Hons) in Odia

M.A. in Odia


B.A.(Hons) in Philosophy

Political Sc

B.A.(Hons) in Pol Sc


B.A.(Hons) in Psychology


B.A.(Hons) in Sanskrit
School of Social Science

B.A.(Hons) in Economics

M.A. in Economics
Gender Studies
M.A. in Gender Studies


B.A.(Hons) in Sociology

School of Commerce and Management


B.Com (Hons)in Accountancy


B.Com (Hons) in Management

SF-Self Financing.

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Utkal University PG Courses

Utkal University PG Courses

Utkal University

PG Courses

Self-Finance Courses

M.Phil Courses

Main Page

Utkal University M.Phil Courses

Utkal University M.Phil Courses


DPS Kalinga

Welcome to the world of holistic education at DPS Kalinga.At DPS Kalinga we believe, that learning is multi-dimensional-as we prepare students for the world & challenges for the future. DPS Kalinga’s pedagogical ideology transcends the confines of the classrooms & pages of a textbook to a more multi-faceted approach. In keeping with the theory of “Multiple Intelligence,” we believe that every child has some latent potential and we seek to make them aware of this.

Apart from,the prescribed academic curriculum, our infrastructure is so designed so as to provide optimum opportunities for students to develop and chisel their full potential.In other words “Child Empowerment”-is our credo, whereby by giving them the resources to understand their true calling and make the right choices in a world where transient values are buffetted by a stressful environment and knowledge explosion.

For us,education means to learn effectively, think creatively, develop adequate emotional intellect,apply and understand concepts to make decisions.The school meets the educational needs of the twin cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack and is developed on a sprawling 25 acres of land. Take a look at the infrastructure and facilities we offer to make your child explore,discover and learn. This is what makes us “EXCLUSIVELY DPS KALINGA”

Contact:At-Adhalia, PO-Phulnakhara, Dist- Cuttack-754001


Tel: 91-671-2356013/14/15/17



Mother’s Public School was established in 1991 as ‘Prakrit’. It was the dream project of Mrs. Poly, the founder and mentor of the school. Being the first day-boarding school in Bhubaneswar, it became popular among the working mothers as it not only solved their problems but also reduced their tension. They no longer had to worry about the well-being of their children while they were at work.

The school started with 20 students with classes from Pre-Nursery to IV- teachers and non teaching staff in a lush green surrounding. The classes were held in small huts which reminded one of the Gurukul days. The school provided breakfast, lunch and snacks besides facilities for a comfortable nap in the afternoons.

As far as academics is concerned the school believed in the holistic development of the child and catered to his/her curricular, extracurricular and co-curricular needs. Tradition too was given importance and festivals like Raksha Bandhan, Diwali, Christmas, Saraswati Puja and Ganesh Puja were celebrated in the school to inculcate traditional values in a child.

Gradually the school progressed and in 1994,it became Mother’s School of Integral Education. Now it had its own building in the heart of the city. From here the school grew in leaps and bounds and today is popular as Mother’s Public School. It boasts of providing education to nearly 2000 students up to the +2 level in the Science and Commerce streams. In tune with the continuous and comprehensive evaluation(CCE) set by the CBSE, this institution endeavors to provide curriculum based learning .It has a good infrastructure, state of art classrooms, experienced and committed faculty members.Conceptual values of being a home away from home is retained by the school. Needs of the working mothers are catered to.Students are provided with quality education and valuable skills to march forward and face the challenges of the adult world.

With each passing year the school moves ahead adding laurels to its name. Presently the school provides integrated coaching facilities for medical and engineering and CPT classes are in the pipeline. In association with Mother’s Business School, which operates from the school campus and is affiliated to Utkal University, we offer the BBA program as well.

VISION    : To see all sects of society merge into one litrate world.

MISSION  : To provide careers oriented education enrichied with moral values and invaluable life skills.

“Thou art the potter- I’m the clay”