Brief History of the College
The Boudh Panchayat College, Boudh is indebted to Late Natabara Pradhan for its foundation on 31.07.1978 amid a colourful function graced by a band of luminaries including the then C.M. of Orissa honourable Late Nilamani Routroy. Since then this premier academic institution began to shed lustrure in the academic horizon with Intermediate Arts, Science and Commerce which in 1983 turned to be present +2 Arts, Science and Commerce having affiliation with CHSE, Orissa. Subsequently degree Arts, Science and Commerce have been added to the curriculum with honours in Arts, Science under Sambalpur University. The College finds place in the 12(B) scheme of the U.G.C for different financial assistance from time to time.
The College is housed in three blocks awaiting further expansion in this respect to accommodate all classes & allied infrastructures. Its campus is christened Buddha Vihar with an imposing statue of Lord Buddha installed in 1980, two years prior to the College building under the patronage of ifs founder. The steady growth of the College records the relentless services rendered by its patrons, staff members at different periods of time.
May the College be a perennial source of knowledge and inspiration to one & all
Sri Prabhasa chandra Mishra, Principal
Boudh Panchayat College, Boudh
Email-Id: info@bpcollegeboudh.org