A brief history of the College
The long cherished dreams of the people of Bargarh came true with the emergence of a new college on the educational map of Orissa at Bargarh in 1960. The credit for the same goes to the untiring efforts of a number of enthusiastic gentlemen of Bargarh led by the then Sub-divisional Officer late Sri Radhamohan Mohanty. The response of the people from every nook and corner of the then Bargarh Sub-division was overwhelming and spontaneous .Donations and contributions poured in all forms – cash, kind as well as land from the rich and the poor. The contribution of various Panchayats within the then Bargarh Sub-division for the establishment of the college, and subsequently for its smooth running was especially noteworthy. Hence, the college was named as Panchayat College Bargarh.Considered as the rice-bowl of Orissa, Bargarh is a fast growing industrial town with major industrial units like Cement Works , Sugar and Spinning Mills and world famous Sambalpuri Bastralaya, with a rich cultural heritage manifested in the longest and largest mythological open-air opera in the world named Dhanu Yatra. The National Highway No6 and NH 246 passing through Bargarh and the railway line connecting it with Raipur-Vizag main line at Titilagarh along with Kolkata-Mumbai main line at Jharsuguda and ensures good communication to the major cities and towns of not only Orissa but also those of India.
It is the first ever college in Orissa to have started teaching from the first year of its inception in its well-furnished building. The original building of the college was formally inaugurated by Utkal Kesari Dr. Hare Krushna Mahatab, the then Chief Minister of Orissa, on 5th July, 1960. As most of the students come from villages, hostel facilities were provided right from its inception.Away from the din and bustle of Bargarh town, the college is situated at its southern extreme. The college campus extends over an area of more than 40 Acres. The trees surrounding the college provide a natural lap to the student joining the college with an urge to learn. The long lines of Eucalyptus trees take the pressure off teaching from students and classrooms. Thanks to Hirakud waters, the sight of lushly green paddy fields on both sides of the road leading to the college, even during the summer, is quite soothing. In short, the natural environment of the college is most congenial to serious studies.
The college was initially affiliated to the Utkal University for teaching of Arts and Science at the intermediate stage in 1960. Bargarh, being a major commercial centre of Orissa, the necessity for teaching Commerce was felt strongly and appropriately enough in the second year of inception of the college teaching facilities in Commerce were provided. The college had the credit of turning out the first batch of Arts and Science graduates in 1964 and Commerce graduates followed the very next year.
With the establishment of Sambalpur University on 1st January 1967, the college got naturally affiliated to Sambalpur University in place of Utkal University. In course of its journey towards academic ascendancy, Honours level teaching in various Arts subjects began in 1968. Next year, the collage created history in Orissa by having Honours in Commerce. Honours teaching in Science subjects were provided first in 1969. Presently, the college provides Honours in almost all the major subjects in Arts, Science and Commerce.A turning point in the history of this college was the 9th March, 1971, when it was taken over by the Government of Orissa from Private management. Higher Secondary (Plus Two) Classes, affiliated to CHSE, Orissa, have been opened in this college since 1983-84 session and Three Year Degree Classes were started from the session 1985-86.
In its journey towards the academic peak, the college scaled another height with the beginning of Post-Graduate teaching in Commerce and Oriya in 1988 and 1990 respectively. From the session 1992-93 Post-Graduate teaching in Political Science and mathematics has been introduced.Commensurate with the increasing strength of the students and classes ever since its inception, expansion in collage building and hostel facilities has been taking place. However, much more remains to be desired in this respect.In view of its size and importance, Government of Orissa under a new scheme has selected this college as a ‘Lead Collage’ in 1990.With effect from 2001-2002, the +2 wing of the collage was separated from the Degree and P.G. wing by virtue of Government order No. 2941 dt. 18-5-2001. Consequently, the +2 wing of the collage is now called the Panchayat Junior College and the other wing is Panchayat Collage, a Government Lead Collage. The classes of both the collages are held in the same building at different times. The Principal, Panchayat Collage also exercises full administrative control over Panchayat Junior CollageA Women’s Hostel with 25 seats was established in 2005 to facilitate women students for perusing their higher studies.The National Assessment and Accreditation Council of UGC under the Ministry of Human Resources Development of Government of India visited this College in February 2006 and this College was accredited as A Grade “B+” College. Government of Orissa in The Department of Higher Education has been pleased to declared this College as Autonomous vide their GO No: —- dated……… & the final conformant of fresh autonomous status by UGC is awaited.
Ruhunia, Bargarh (Odisha) 768028
(06646) 233192
(06646) 233192