e-Medhabruti Scholarship for Odisha students

What is e-Medhabruti Scholarship ?: In order to encourage and motivate bright students of Odisha prosecuting higher professional studies like Engineering, Medical, BDS or other courses, the state government provides an e-Medhabruti Scholarship. Here an eligible candidate can get scholarship amount per annum as per the scholarship type they apply. In a year 24,544 bright students can avail the scholarship. The objective of this project is to provide incentive and facilities to meritorious students of Odisha who have secured admission in Technical / Medical institutions inside or outside the state or in the national institutes of repute in accordance with the terms and conditions specified by the Government of Odisha.

Understanding e-Medhabruti:An advertisement will be published by the Government of Odisha for Medhabruti mentioning the eligibility criteria of the students and the last date for application submission. Students can then register themselves online for scholarship and should submit the printed form along with the necessary documents to the schools, colleges or university for the same. Then the school/colleges/institutions will validate the forms from their college login regarding the following specifications:

  • If he is already availing the scholarship or not.
  • Check for student of Odisha persuading course outside Orissa.
  • Check for permanent resident of Odisha.
  • Check for annual income of parents.
  • Check whether the information entered matches with the hard copy or not.
