Class 12 Exam Dates Odisha Board

You are requested to double check the dates and other information as there may be changes in the dates and subjects and we cannot take responsibility.

02/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM English (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular)

03/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM English (For Arts-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular)

04/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM MIL-(ODIA) (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular)
MIL-(ODIA) (For Commerce-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular)

08/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Other MILs (Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education) Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Urdu, Sanskrit, Alt. English *(For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular) *(For Arts-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular) *(For Commerce-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular)

10/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Physics (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular)

11/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM MIL-(ODIA) (For Arts-Regular/ Ex-Regular/

Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular)

12/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM IT-Information Technology (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular) IT-Information Technology (For Commerce-Regular/ Ex-Regular) IT-Information Technology (For Arts-Regular/ Ex-Regular) CSC (Computer Science), BIO-Tech, Electronics (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular)

14/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM All Language Optional Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education) Odia, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Urdu, Sanskrit (For Arts-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular) ES (Elective Sanskrit) (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular) English (For Commerce-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular)

15/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Chemistry (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular)

16/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Logic (For Arts-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular) Geography (For Arts-Regular/Ex-Regular) and (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular) BSM (Business Studies and Management) (For Commerce-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular)

17/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM History (For Arts-Regular/Ex-Regular) and (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular)

18/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Biology-I (Botany) (For Science- Regular/Ex-Regular/ Vocational Stream)

19/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Anthropology, Sociology (For Arts-Regular/Ex-Regular/ Distance Education-Regular/ Ex-Regular) Statistics (For Arts-Regular/Ex-Regular) and (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular) BMS (Business Mathamatics & Statistics) (For Commerce-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular)

21/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM ACT (Accountancy) (For Commerce-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular) Economics (For Arts-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular) and (For Science-Regular/ Ex-Regular) IRPM (Personnel Management) (For Arts-Regular/Ex-Regular/ Vocational Stream)

22/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Biology-I) (Zoology) (For Science- Regular/Ex-Regular/ Vocational Stream)

26/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Mathematics (For Arts- Regular/ Ex-Regular) and (For Science- Regular/ Ex-Regular) Home Science (For Arts- Regular/Ex-Regular/ Vocational Stream)

28/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Education (For Arts- Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Regular/ Ex-Regular) Indian Music (For Arts- Regular/ Ex-Regular) Psychology (For Arts- Regular/ Ex-Regular) INS (Insurance), FMA (Fundamentals of Management Accounts), BSE (Business Economics), RD (Rural Development), CAC (Cost Accounting), Computer Application (For Commerce-Regular/ Ex-Regular/ Distance Education- Ex-Regular/Ex-Regular)

29/03/16 10 AM to 1 PM Pol. Science (For Arts-Regular/Ex-Regular/ Distance Education-Regular/ Ex-Regular) Geology (For Science- Regular/Ex-Regular/ Vocational Stream)

SSC CGL Exam Dates for 2016

SSC CGL Exam Dates

Those who wish to register for SSC CGL 2016 Examinations the deadlines are extended. The ew schedule is as follows. However, we advise you to double check with the official website for any changes.

Students can now apply online for SSC CGL 2016

Part I Registration Last date – 5P.M. 21st March 2016
Part II registration –Last Date – 5 P.M. March 24, 2016